We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'February 2021'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.
On our school branding blog, we talk a lot about lettering, mascots, fonts, ambiance—the meat and potatoes that would make up things like championship banners and customized outdoor padding. That stuff is obviously important – without it, rebranding a school would be next to impossible. However, there’s one part of a well-branded item that often flies by the wayside for many districts: the places on the gym wall pads, conference banners and the like where nothing except background color exists, called negative space.
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Rebranding a school is a complex process, and there’s a lot more that goes on than just slapping new outdoor wall padding up to refurbish the fields and calling it a day. It’s an entire overhaul of a school’s image, often including an improved color scheme and standardized fonts. Every decorative and practical item, from conference banners to wall mats, must now be made to the school branding guide’s exact specifications in order for the extensive process to be fully effective.