A brand is, in the technical sense of the term, the culmination of a company’s image as it desires to relate to the public—and while your school isn’t a company, of course, its brand is still important when it comes to engaging the district as a whole. In a day and age where education is becoming more and more competitive, cultivating your image is a no-brainer!
But there’s a right and wrong way to go about school branding, regardless of your school’s specific character. SportsGraphics, your Clarion provider of wall pads and other branded products, is here below with a few pointers.
Great School Branding Unites
No matter if your brand highlights your students’ academic prowess or their inclusivity, it always must accomplish one thing: unity. Brands work best when they can bring the student body together in a single front to promote performance and morale. Dividing the student body by, for example, creating the false impression that the district values one type of skill set over others fails to harness the school-spirit-boosting power that a brand contains.
Instead, work to craft an image that gels the student body together by promoting values each child can aspire to—hard work or kindness, for example.
Great School Branding Sends a Cohesive, Consistent Message
This should be the case to each and every person who interacts with it—students, sure, but also administrators, staff, teachers, parents, and visitors. It should also carry that cohesiveness across locations and contexts; ideally, it should “read” the same way at a sporting event as it does in the cafeteria.
This is critical to creating the unifying front that your brand needs; sending mixed messages about what your school values and prioritizes will fail to create the consistent image that brings together your district. Part of accomplishing this is making sure your style guide is followed to the T, no matter if it’s being used to conceptualize high school wall mats or championship banners.
Great School Branding Motivates
School branding isn’t just “advertising” to help your district play a bigger role in the community; it also inspires students to do their best. When your brand’s consistent image makes them rightfully feel like part of something bigger than themselves, they’re motivated to bring their best selves to everything from academics to conduct to sporting events.
SportsGraphics: Your School Branding Headquarters
Ready to make an investment that motivates, unites, and more? You’re in good hands; SportsGraphics provides all the school branding ideas, branded outdoor padding, and more that you need. Give our Clarion Office a call today at 1-800-257-6405.