With baseball season in full swing, your turf is no doubt seeing its fair share of slides, dives, and running. And while there’s no way you can avoid it seeing heavy use—that’s what it’s for, after all—improper care can result in its fair share of consequences. From uneven footing that poses a safety hazard to brittle, yellow patches, trust us: you don’t want a messy field.

Luckily, SportsGraphics is here to help. Below, you’ll learn a few tips and tricks for keeping your turf looking awesome this season, whether it’s indoors or out.

Don’t Play When it’s Wet

It’s wisdom as old as time itself, but it’s all too often pushed to the wayside in today’s hectic competitive schedules. This is one tip, though, that’s always worth following, for a variety of reasons. For one, wet turf is unsafe. Not only is it slick, of course, but use while wet can lead to unevenness, holes, and worn-out areas, which in turn can pose safety hazards later on. Though wall mats can help prevent the consequential skidding out and potential for injury, as a provider of high school gym wall padding we’d like to see athletes never be hurt in the first place.

Sending students to the field when it’s soggy also isn’t good for the turf itself. The PennState Extension states that it can lead to soil compaction, an occurrence that can impact the grass’s potential for future growth.

Treat the Turf Like a Lawn

In many—but not all—ways, field care is like lawn care, just with a lot more on the line than just appearances. For instance, you’ll need to test the soil’s PH regularly in order to make sure that it’s at an optimal level to promote grass growth. You’ll also need to properly grade the field so that water safely drains away from it, letting you get back to playing after a rainstorm ASAP.

Finally, soil aeration—a process performed on many suburban lawns—may also be a good idea thanks to your field’s heavy use. It fights soil compaction and helps promote oxygen flow in the soil, which in turn encourages growth.

Mind Your Mowing

Though it might be tempting to give your turf a haircut before every big-stakes game, you might want to rethink that. According to Cornell University, “Turf mowed too low and scalped routinely will have a reduced root system, shallow roots and lower stored food reserves, resulting in a weakened turf which is more susceptible to pest pressure and requiring more frequent irrigation and fertilization.”

Research your grass species to learn what it can and can’t tolerate, and always err on the side of caution and player welfare.

SportsGraphics: School branding, Gym Wall Padding, and More

Looking for a one-stop safety and branding solution for all your school’s needs? SportsGraphics is just the ticket. Reach our Clarion office today at 1-800-257-6405.